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Re: Kernel compilation

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> wrote:
>      v) Several other kernel module packages are hooked into
>         kernel-package, so one can seamlessly compile, say, pcmcia
>         modules at the same time as one compiles a kernel, and be
>         assured that the modules so compiled are compatible.

Hmmmm...  Probably I haven't done my homework correctly and so I'm not aware 
of the most recent innovations in Debian technology, but, could you please 
explain me (or point me to the explanation of) how to hook my own kernel 
module package to make-kpkg?

I'm the maintainer of the ultra package, a kernel module for the well known 
Gravis Ultrasound family of sound cards.  I've been having a hard time these 
days trying to develop a simple means for people to compile the ultra kernel 
module for whatever kernel version they have.  I'm not very satisfied with 
what I have achieved so far, so, if I just could hook something into 
kernel-package... well, that would really make thinks a lot easier for me!


M. S.

Martin A. Soto J.                           Profesor
Departamento de Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
Universidad de los Andes      masoto@uniandes.edu.co

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