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intend to package multitee


I'm packaging a new package, called "multitee", a smallish program
written in 1991 by Daniel J. Bernstein (qmail's author).

It is in the public domain, and here is the description of the

Description: send multiple inputs to multiple outputs
 multitee sends all input on file descriptor fdin to each
 descriptor fdout. This is an improved version written by Dan
 Bernstein of the multitee program for BSD systems.

I have put it with section misc and priority extra.

multitee is a tee but more general, maybe it can be merged with

Well, if nobody has objections I'll upload it in a few days.

Roberto Lumbreras
rover@lander.es | rover@etsit.upm.es | rover@debian.org & pgp 143BE391
Lander Internet, Madrid-Spain-UE; http://www.lander.es

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