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lintian thinks I am the maintainer of libc6!

	Hi.  `lintian' reports the bugs from libc6 as belonging to the
source package `glibc-sparc'.  However, the source package used to
generate libc6_*_i386.deb is `glibc'.

	That is, all the bugs appear on my page (I am the maintainer
of glibc-sparc) and not on Dale's (the glibc maintainer).

	BTW, there are several lintian bugs on libc6 I would like to
comment here:

  W: libc6: obsolete-shlib-entry-in-control-file /lib/ld-linux

     The shlibs control file contains an entry for a shared library,
     which is not installed by this package.
	But `/lib/ld-linux.so.2' is installed by libc6.

  E: libc6: shlib-with-executable-bit lib/ld-2.0.6.so 0755

	I think we should let this `library' have the executable bit
set.  Sometimes it's very useful to execute it in order to run some
program... I think it's even necessary for `ldd' to work properly.

  E: libc6: shlib-with-executable-bit lib/libc-2.0.6.so 0755

	When someone executes it, it displays a nice (and useful)
banner.  I think we should leave it that way.

  W: libc6: shlib-without-dependency-information lib/ld-2.0.6.so

	But it must be statically linked.

Juan Cespedes

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