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Re: essential packages and Pre-Depends

Santiago Vila <sanvila@unex.es> writes:

> FYI: I have submitted ("grave") bugs against all essential packages
> not using the Predepends: header.
> There was already a discussion on this for the gzip case, so I
> consider this has been already discussed.

Well you're wrong.  Would you please stop this *extremely* irritating
"file bugs, ask questions later" habit?  gzip & tar etc. are a special
case; dpkg could die without the Pre-Depends.  They are (as, IIRC, Kai
put it) extremely essential; diff, procps etc. are not.  It clearly
states in policy that the use of Pre-Depends *must* be discussed and
consensus reached on debian.devel before being used[1], please
consider following debian policy and not trying to implement your own
policies via the bug tracking system.

[1] "You must not specify a `Pre-Depends' entry for a package before this
     has been discussed on the `debian-devel' mailing list and a consensus
     about doing that has been reached." (Debian Policy, 2.3.4)


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