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Re: distribute silber CDs of frozen Re: Idea for Debian 2.0 testing process

Igor Grobman wrote:
> >>>>> On 13 Feb 1998, "CL" == Christian Leutloff wrote:
>   +> Isn't this what we always do when we freeze a release?  I doubt
> we'll be
>   +> able to get anyone to make cheap CDs based on frozen...
>   CL> Is this a consensus amoung developers that's good for Debian to
> provide
>   CL> the frozen distribution on silver CDs (at least 1000 CDs)!?
> It might be a good idea to use some of our money to make a number of
> CDs to be
> distributed for free in exchange for a promise to test and report
> testing
> results to debian-testing.  This might considerably increase the
> number of
> testers we have, and make hamm as good as it can be ;-).
Actually, I like the arrangement we have.  You get a free CD _after_ the
release if you _have_ made a report.  You get the benfits for results
not promises.  Also, it seemed that the funding of that was from the CD
manufacturer-distributor.  (Essentially, this was the same deal for
'developers' on the project.)

Enjoy -- Greg.
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Greg Vence    KH2EA/4

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