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Re: master under v. high load, bug WWW updates temporarily every 4h

> logged at least two times and it doesn't help speed up the disk any. I am
> not at all sure why apache is consuming so much cpu maybe we should point
> cgi.debian.org to va (James?)
One reason I am reluctant is that some of the cgi scripts may depend on
files outside of the web dir. If I could coordinate with Ian and Guy (both
very busy) to move all the web page generation and cgi scripts to VA it would
be much easier. Another reason is that master still has a better connection
most of the time.

If you'd like to reduce disk activity, moving all the mirroring off of master
would be the first thing I'd do. Having two reliable sites that all other mirrors
use would be the right way to do this. Crosslink is supposed to be used for this
purpose, but many web mirrors stopped using it because it has been cronically
behind (I just noticed that it is up to date. If this holds then I'll try to get people
to mirror from there. Note that its ftp mirror doesn't have problems). Tim Sailer would
be willing to let his machine be used for the same purpose, but he's too short on disk

- Jay

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