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Re: over 30000 bugs in our archive (!)

In an attempt to save the world from disaster, Douglas Bates wrote:
> Three related packages that I maintain (r-base, r-cran, and
> r-cran-non-free) receive error reports from lintian of the form
>  E: r-base: pkg-without-shlibs-has-shlibs-control-file
> There are shared libraries created during the compilation of these
> packages but those libraries reside within /usr/lib/R/.  I understand
> the bug to mean that I should not be creating a shlibs control file
> because the libraries are not in /lib/ or /usr/lib/.  Is that correct?

Do you mean the file /usr/lib/R/library/mva/libs/mva.so? That was
the only library I could find in r-base, along with 5 or so others
in r-cran.

To me it seems rather pointless to have a shlibs file to specify
libraries that do not reside in /usr/lib or /lib: the dynamic linker
is not going to find them anyway, and thus dpkg-shlibs is never going
to use them.

> I use the debhelper scripts in my debian/rules files.  Is it
> sufficient for me to comment out the call to dh_makeshlibs or will
> this cause other problems?

I'm not sure here. Without the hinderence of any knowledge of debhelper,
im very eager to say that dh_makeshlibs should only look for libraries
in /lib or /usr/lib, and ignore all the others. So, my first impression is:
  - yes, your call to dh_makeshlibs is useless, but
  - dh_makeshlibs actually is to blame here, because it should ignore
    your libs.

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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