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Re: recurring problems with mirrors

jrv@vanzandt.mv.com (James R. Van Zandt)  wrote on 03.02.98 in <[🔎] m0xzuzP-0006I3C@vanzandt.mv.com>:

> Hugues Talbot <Hugues.Talbot@cmis.CSIRO.AU> writes:
> >how about a small shell script that checks the integrity of a distribution:
> Excellent idea.  I had to change "md5" to "md5sum".  I also changed
> the script to accept a single argument - the starting directory.  That
> way, the md5 files do not have to be written into the starting
> directory.  The script can then be used to check without having write
> permissions, or even when the mirror is mounted read-only.  My changes
> are attached.

Note that for checking a mirror, you might want to use something like the  
following, preferrably immediately after a mirror run:

cd /where/the/mirror/is

md5sum < indices/md5sum

Possibly filter the input or output for stuff you're not mirroring, for  
example like this:

... 2>&1| grep -Ev '^md5sum:.can.t.open.*(/source/|-m68k/|-alpha/|-sparc/)'

Typical output:

md5sum: MD5 check failed for './hamm/hamm/binary-all/editors/emacspeak_7.0- 
md5sum: MD5 check failed for './timestamp.txt'
md5sum: MD5 check failed for './indices/md5sums.gz'
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/hylafax-client_4.0.1-2_i386.deb
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/hylafax-doc_4.0.1-2_all.deb
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/hylafax-server_4.0.1-2_i386.deb
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/hylafax_4.0.1-2.diff.gz
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/hylafax_4.0.1-2.dsc
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/isdnutils_2.1.beta1-15bo17_i386.deb
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/isdnutils_2.1.beta1.orig.tar.gz
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/hylafax_4.0.1-1_i386.deb
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/hylafax_4.0.1.orig.tar.gz
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/isdnutils_2.1.beta1-15bo17.diff.gz
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/ddd_2.2.1-1.dsc
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/isdnutils_2.1.beta1-15bo17.dsc
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/ddd_2.2.1-1.diff.gz
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/ddd_2.2.1-1_i386.deb
md5sum: can't open ./project/experimental/ddd_2.2.1.orig.tar.gz
md5sum: can't open ./Archive_Maintenance_In_Progress
md5sum: can't open ./bo-updates/kernel-source-2.0.32_2.0.32.orig.tar.gz
md5sum: can't open ./bo-updates/kernel-source-2.0.32_2.0.32-3.diff.gz

Oh BTW, the following files should certainly not be listed in indices/ 


MfG Kai

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