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Re: Debian-related advertising on debian-announce

bruce@va.debian.org  wrote on 05.02.98 in <[🔎] 19980205043216.15983.qmail@va.debian.org>:

> Yes, POSIX has a package format.. Tim Sailer has ordered the document for
> me.

I have it here. It seems it's following some very different objectives  
than, say, dpkg or rpm. But maybe that's just my impression. I don't have  
it long enough to really have understood all the details.

However, the general idea is to have a directory structure, with both the  
actual package files and text control files in it, which can optionally be  
packed up with either tar or cpio.

Complicated structures - the stuff that Debian does by sorting packages  
into versions (bo/hamm), categories (base/news/web), and copyrights (main/ 
contrib/non-free), seem to be handled by putting all the packaged files in  
the one directory tree.

Non-interactive configuration is supported. So is installing partial  
packages, down to single files. And network installs.

The utilities for manipulating packages are named swask (ask for user  
responses), swconfig (configure software), swcopy (copy distribution),  
swinstall (install software), swlist (list software catalog), swmodify  
(modify software catalog), swpackage (package distribution), swremove  
(remove software), and swverify (verify software).

I'm thinking of using my Copious Free Time[tm] (also known as "this thing  
other people have") to write some sort of prototype - unless someone has  
already done this ... have to search around for it.

Anyway, a search on DejaNews shows that HP/UX is obviously using the  

MfG Kai

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