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Re: Debian-related advertising on debian-announce

Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> These additional "releases" should be done in
> a fashion that will allow them to be "backed out of" when the "new"
> package is more broken than the "old" one. We had something almost like
> this with rex and rex-fixed, but Guy seems not to like the task of
> managing the symlinks. (not that I blame him) With bo we sort of shoved
> the packages that passed the testing criterion into bo, thus removing the
> older package from the archive and making 1.3 unavailable forever after.

But we do have a bo-updates directory where packages can be
well-tested before being integrated.  With rex, I would install
packages directly to rex-fixed, and that was a mistake.

Packages move from incoming to bo-updates to bo.  I will release a new
version of bo whenever the testing committee tells me that the
packages are ok.

If you're a new developer, and have nothing to do, I invite you to
confirm that the packages in bo-updates are ok.


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