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Packaging the netscape 4 binary

A while ago there was a request to package the netscape 4 binary and I
offered to do it. Afterwards, a large discussion appeared regarding the
legality of doing this (RedHat did it, but we weren't sure we could). Two
1) Was there a final concensus? I was moving my apartment and lost a bunch
of devel mail so I may have missed it.
2) I am really strapped for time right now and probably should not have
offered to package it. I am still quite willing to do so, although it may
take some time (I have also offered to package kpilot, but that will be
relatively simple). If (a) we can package it and (b) there is a demand for
this to be done quickly, would someone else please take it. If not, I will
proceed, but slowly.

Thanks, Colin Telmer.

Colin Telmer, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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