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Two concerns (was Re: DEBIAN NEWS)

Two concerns:

bruce@debian.org (Bruce Perens) writes:

> package manager meant to replace "dselect" is now being demonstrated, and
> will probably appear in 2.1 or one of the early point releases.

Wait!  dselect is being REPLACED?  Does this mean that dselect will
cease to exist once diety is released?

I run Debian on a large number of machines that have no X installed,
either because they are not powerful enough to run X or they have no
need for it.  Additionally, remote management via telnet is much
easier and generally more secure than over X channels.

> - ------------------------
> To order with your chargecard, you can use our *SECURED* web page at:
>                         http://www.cheapbytes.com

Since when do we publish advertisements for others, and use language
like "our" web page, pointing to CheapBytes?  I don't like it at

John Goerzen          | Developing for Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
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