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Re: splitting experimental by arch?

Christian Schwarz writes:
 > However, we might consider having a few packages in unstable which will
 > not be included in the `frozen' distribution automatically, for example, 
 > if the upstream maintainers don't want us to include it in a stable Debian
 > release.

GNU gettext may be a perfect example, as it is in experimental just
because the upstream maintainer AFAIK doesn't wish it to be part of a

Maybe it would be simpler to have another level "between" unstable and
experimental, with:

* stable: you know what.

* unstable: things that will be automatically promoted the next stable
release, ie. they are mostly based on stable upstream.

* ongoing-work: things that may be one day promoted to unstable, but
cannot in their present state because the upstream is not ready for

Candidates are:
- Packages that are in a shape likely to change, and not widely
accepted (eg: gettext)
- "for comment" packages, as Jim calls them (eg: dtm, dhelp...)
- programs that have just changed in a major way (Manoj told about the
future of cvs-buildpackage, Jim about reimplementations).

* experimental: things that may break something (ie. alpha)

The split between ongoing-work and experimental has been thought of,
but ongoing-work should IMHO be distinct from unstable to make things

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