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Re: RFD : libg++/gcc/egcs upgrades needed for libc6

   I just recieved the following from "upstream". It appears that an upgrade
   to gcc_2.8.0 and a switch from libg++_2.7.2.8 to libstdc++_2.8 will
   resolve some of the problems currently related to libc6.

When I compile programs with Debian gcc 2.8.0, the resulting binary
just faults with an Illegal Instruction signal.  I noticed that there
is a bug against the gcc package with exactly this problem.  For me,
this happens even with `main(){}', the simplest possible program.

I don't know if we can really upgrade to gcc 2.8.0 if it doesn't work
:-)  Is this a configuration error?  I got the same problem when I
compiled gcc 2.8.0 myself from the Debian sources BTW.

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