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Re: another attempt to use hamm disks

At 10:31 PM 2/2/98 -0500, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
>First of all, the highlighting is really weird, much worse than in bo.
>Second, minor point, the menus of installing the modules into kernel
>came out without color. 
>Third, after unpacking the base system, script hang for a while and then
>put me back to the very beginning - the menu to choose color/mono.
>After that I forced it to configure the base system, it complained that it
>cannot stat some files, nevertheless I managed to configure timezone.
>Forth, I tried to make a boot floppy,  (not to make hard drive bootable),
>it formated the floppy and immediately told me that the operation failed.
>I had no other way than to open another console and just do

I had exactly the same problems, and elected to make the hard drive
bootable after the floppy failed.

I then setup my ppp connection and fired up dselect - which died whenever I
selected ftp on the access menu - compilation error on drive 7.

I had to give up there because I do not know enough about dselect to be
playing with the perl code.


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