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Re: possible new official mirror in the US

> > come up with ways of keeping track of other mirrors in countries that
> > don't have states -- like,  for instance,  ftp.london.uk.debian.org vs
> > ftp.liverpool.uk.debian.org if there were two in the uk.
> That would be silly. What country a site is in has some effect on the speed;
> within a country the location has no effect whatsoever. On the other hand,
> whose network the site is on makes a difference; something like
> ftp.demon.uk.debian.org / ftp.xara.uk.debian.org would be sensible names.
This makes a lot of sense. Given the practical problem that only a very small
percentage of people would be able to take advantage of it (due to ignorance)
negates its benefit though.

- Jay

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