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   dpkg-http is ready for it's first upload.  Given that this package
could potentially destroy the package database (it hasn't yet but..),
should it be uploaded to experimental rather than unstable?

   dpkg-http is based on dpkg-ftp, but uses Perl LWP as the network access
library.  Perl LWP can use several URL types.  dpkg-http supports multiple
archives simultaneously, so it could solve the non-US archive problem. 
Web proxies may be specified as well, reducing volume charges, increasing
speed, and simplifying firewall accesses. 

   A small web-accessible archive including dpkg-http and my other
pre-release packages is at http://biocomp.anu.edu.au/~dld/debian/
Specify the above URL as the site, and "." as the distribution.


Dr. Drake Diedrich, Research Officer - Computing, (02)6279-8302
John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University 0200
Replies to other than Drake.Diedrich@anu.edu.au will be routed off-planet

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