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Re: dpkg development and gettext

Regarding "dpkg development and gettext" of 11:05 -0500 1998-02-01, Michael
Alan Dorman wrote:
>One of the things that came up after I did .20 that I would like to
>discuss further is dpkg's current dependence on GNU gettext.

As I understand it, programs that need gettext are not supposed to require
it to be installed, much like libtool, autoconf, or automake. Shipping
source that requires gettext to build is akin to shipping with only a
configure.in or only a Makefile.am.
In my experience with *other* gettext using packages (including gnome), the
configure script will look for the gettext programs and if they are found,
it'll use the installed gettext, if not, it'll use the gettext included
with the package's source.

Joel "Espy" Klecker     Debian GNU/Linux Developer    <mailto:jk@espy.org>
<http://www.espy.org/>                            <http://www.debian.org/>

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