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Unofficial bug nags considered harmful

I've just received an enourmous pile of messages via the bug system
from Remco Blaakmeer.  An example is attached.

I appreciate that it was done with the best intentions, I think this
was a bad idea because:

1. Remco failed to discuss his plan and get approval first.  This is
the most important mistake, because if he had asked we would have been
able to avoid the other mistakes.

2. We already have Brian White doing bug nags.  There is no need for
two people to do this.

3. Remco sent his messages to the bug system, which will cause the bug
system to have to file and process all of his messages and update all
the web pages &c &c &c.

4. Remco failed to uniquely identify his messages in any way, so that
developers are not able to file them appropriately or filter them out.

Please everyone, don't do this again.


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