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Re: Autocompilation of Packages

Brederlow wrote:
> How can I autocompile packages AND sign them?
> I have a script that automatically unpacks all Sourcefiles with
> dpkg-source and then does a dpkg-buildpackage. If I don't disable
> signing those packages the script will halt for every package because
> pgp wants my keyphrase.
> I know that it would be a gib securityproblem to automatically give
> pgp the phrase or trick it in some other way and I don't want to do
> that.
> The only probable way that I see is to sign those packages by hand
> after they have been build, but I don't know how and I don't know if
> there isn't a better way.

Well, you can just use:

export PGPPASS=<your pgp pass here>

And pgp will use that, but I take it you don't want to do that...

Other alternatives - you can use "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc", which makes it
not pgp sigh stuff, and then go back afterwards and pgp sign by hand.

see shy jo

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