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Re: kernel headers---FAQ

On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Santiago Vila wrote:

> Sorry, I have missed this discussion from the beginning...
> David Engel says libc6-dev depends on kernel-headers because this way
> there is not a huge diff file against the .orig source.
> Is that the *only* reason?

While the answer is yes, the statement is not complete. The reason
libc6-dev depends on a specific kernel-headers package rather than include
them, stems from the fact that the kernel-headers are architecture
specific. Thus a different set of include files for each architecture
would make the diff files exceptionally large. Depending on the "proper"
kernel-headers version allows these needs to be satisfied on each
architecture (with that architectures specific kernel-headers package) in
the correct fashion.

David also pointed out to me that if I include the headers at build time,
from those installed on my machine, then someone else who re-compiles
libc6 on their own machine may or may not have those headers installed and
the results may not be useful. At best there is the likelyhood that
programs compiled against this "private" libc6 will not work like those
same sources compiled against the "distribution" libc6.

The bottom line is, anyone who uses --force-anything when installing
libc6 (or any other C library) should expect to arrive at a broken system.


_-_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "The Debian User's Guide"    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
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