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Re: kernel headers---FAQ

On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, Avery Pennarun wrote:

> Just because it's not officially guaranteed to work doesn't mean it's not
> allowed to work.
> If kernel-headers would just allow itself to be configured when
> /usr/src/linux is not a link, I would be a happy camper, because then I
> could install libc6 without a --force option, thereby validating my
> existence.  Nothing imaginable would break.

you're running a debian system. what is so difficult about acknowledging
that and slightly modifying your procedure for working with kernel

i.e. is:

	[ -e linux ] && mv linux linux.old  # or rm -rf or whatever you want to
                                        # do with old kernel sources.
	tar xfz linux-x.x.x.tar.gz
	mv linux kernel-source-x.x.x
	ln -s kernel-source-x.x.x linux

so much more difficult than 

	[ -e linux ] && mv linux linux.old  # or rm -rf or whatever you want to
                                        # do with old kernel sources.
	tar xfz linux-x.x.x.tar.gz


doing it this way you can switch between kernel versions at will - you
can have more than one copy of the kernel sources installed at any given

> It is my opinion that both my and your setups comply with the
> FSSTND.  Debian policy (to the best of my knowledge) is to comply
> with the FSSTND and to provide a consistent set of kernel headers for
> /usr/include/{linux,asm}.  In the default Debian configuration, as
> well as in my special configuration, both of these requirements are
> met.

debian's policy is to provide a system that works.

if the way you want to do things is going to break things - and you are
aware of that fact - then you have to wear the responsibility for your
actions. i.e. it isn't debian's fault if you deliberately choose to
break it.

debian's behaviour wrt kernel sources is well documented, and makes
enough sense that it is being adopted in the upstream kernel source and
by other distributions.


craig sanders

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