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Re: HELP: two smbfs packages

   Package smbfs-2.0.2 works for kernels 2.0.x and before. To use smbfs
   with the 2.1.x and above kernels, the userland utilities in the Samba
   1.9.18 and later must be used (smbmount and smbumount). So, I do not
   know how to provide both versions.

Suggestion: Provide smbmount (for example), both versions, in the
single smbfs (or samba, whatever) package, naming them smbmount-2.0.x
and smbmount-2.1.x.  Use alternatives to manage the `smbmount'
symlink, with the default pointing to the appropriate version for the
kernel running when the postinst runs (or just default to 2.0.x if
this isn't acceptable; 2.1.x users should be knowledgeable enough to
make symlinks).

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