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Single source for main and non-free packages

The R language for statistical and graphical data analysis is now
packaged as r-base in the math section.  The base language and modules 
are GPL'd so they conform with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
(DFSG).  In addition there are several contributed modules available
on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) sites.  (The master CRAN
site is http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/R/).  Some of the contributed
modules have DFSG-compliant copyright statements and some do not.

I have set up packages r-cran and r-cran-non-free for contributed
modules.  If possible I would like to keep the original sources as a
single tar.gz file.  I can generate the packages but I am not sure if
it will be legitimate to have one original source file that generates
packages in the main distribution and in the non-free distribution.
Is that ok?  The source code for these modules is freely available and
has been contributed by the authors to an open archive.  It is just
that some of the source code has statements in it like

 copyright 1991 Department of Statistics, Univeristy of Washington
 funded by ONR contracts N-00014-88-K-0265 and N-00014-91-J-1074

 Permission granted for unlimited distribution for non-commercial purposes.

I presume that last part about "for non-commercial purposes" makes
this fail the DFSG.

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