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Re: crontabs + m4 = ?

On 14-Jan-1998 00:30:49, Topi Miettinen <Topi.Miettinen@ml.tele.fi> wrote:
> How about modifying cron to read its files using a preprocessor, like m4?
> That would be a more flexible solution than fixed "include *" or
> "cat *>crontab" and it wouldn't be much harder to do.

It's a neat idea, but completely incompatible with other crons. Nothing
prevents a sysadmin from using a crontab.m4 to generate /etc/crontab.
I also have a hard time imagining any real use for it that wouldn't be
better done in program that cron executes rather than cron itself. Of
course, my imagination may be faulty.


Steve Greenland

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