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Re: cron jobs more often than daily

To summarize...  There are three proposals I recall: (+advantage, -disadv)

1) Patch cron to read files from /etc/cron.d/ as though they were included
   directly int /etc/crontab.
	+ simple patch
	+ keeps /etc/crontab exactly as it is
	- requires patching existing program with no change of going upstream

2) Write script to "cat /etc/cron.d/* >/etc/crontab".
	+ extremely simple script
	- /etc/crontab becomes "read-only"
	- user changes won't take effect without calling script

3) Write script which modifies only one "area" of /etc/crontab
	- user changes in system area could cause problems
	- user changes do not get managed by dpkg "conffile" control

(Anybody have anything to add?)

I think #2 is out because it accomplishes nothing over #1 and changes the
functionality of /etc/crontab away from its standard interface.

Of #1 and #3, either are acceptable in my opinion.

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

 the difference between theory and practice is less in theory than in practice

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