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Re:libc5 to libc6 auto-upgrade script

On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Shaya Potter wrote:

> You should make sure that you record which -dev packages are
> installed.  You also might be able to set up a script that can take a
> list of -dev packages from bo, and tell dpkg to install the comparable
> packages from Hamm.

somebody's already suggested that. i don't think it's worth the effort -
partly because there is no one-to-one mapping between bo and hamm -dev
packages, and partly because it would be a long and tedious job...made
more difficult by the fact that you need both a bo system and a hamm
system to compare package lists on.

i'm not against it. i think it would be a good thing. if somebody feels
like modifying the script to do that then they're perfectly welcome to
do so.

my autoupgrade script was written to do the dangerous part of the
upgrade and leave the rest for the user to do in dselect. it does that
quite well. imo, except for bugfixes and maybe polishing the user input
bits it's basically finished.

i ran it earlier tonight on an old rex (or rex++, not quite bo anyway) 
system, and it even worked on that. 


craig sanders

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