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non-maintainer releases and bug fixes

After having a look through the policy and dpkg documents, I can't seem to
find anything about non-maintainer releases.

It was only because someone emailed me and reopened bugs that I had closed
on a non-maintainer release that I now know that you shouldn't do this (in
case the regular maintainer misses the fix). 

In bug #11771, Hamish Moffatt said some things that seem to make sense, I
thought I'd mention them here and then add one of my own :-)

When a non-maintainer release fixes some bugs then:

- if the bug was fixed upstream, the bug should be closed

- if the bug was fixed by the non-maintainer, the fix should be sent to the
  bug tracking system and the bug should be marked as "fixed". This would not
  close the bug report, but at least people would know.

- if many bugs were fixed in one go, it might be more appropriate to close all
  those bugs and then file a new bug detailing the original bugs and the fixes.


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