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Emacsen proposal (assuming silence == acceptance)

I'm assuming that since no one commented on this proposal, that no one
objects.  So I'm going to move forward with this.  I can always back
off later if there's a big problem, but I just wanted to make sure
that there weren't any obvious problems (or a way around the Provides:
emacsen instead of Provides: emacs issue) before I wasted too much
time.  This issue is holding up the emacs20 package, though, so I want
to move on now.

I think Mark is willing to put the startup change into emacs 19, and
if James is willing too, then we're set.  Until that's done I can just
make emacsen-common conflict with xemacs, which I believe is no worse
than the current situation.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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