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Re: Re^2: Debian 2.0 release requirements

> Moin Alex!
> AY> I would like to question the need for this requirement.
> ???

Aren't you questioning my right to do that? :)

> AY> While this can be of importance to some users, it can be quite
> AY> annoying to others.
> ??? Please remember, a lot of languages need 8 bit clean programs. Non 8  
> bit clean programs are very bad.

True. Many users need support for the language other than English.
Some of that users need 8-bit clean programs AND still some additional
customization. Some languages even have many optionas as to customization.
(Take Russian - several possible encodings AND keyboard layouts).
For some languages it is even not enough to have 8-bit clean programs. 
You can't satisfy all users anyway. In addition, I would hate to be
able to switch to "russian" keyboard mode (by mistake) and enter some
letters which look just like English ones in the editor I use for

> AY> What it means is saying "good-bye" to clean
> AY> ascii e-mail, etc.
> ???

Yes. I don't like when I see 8-bit charachters. In my
"non-internationalized" configuration they look like "<F23>"
highlighted (or something like that). So? 

(PLEASE, no flames for *this* - I also don't like very much PGP
signatures as MIME attachements) 

> AY>  What is more important, *some* utilities,
> AY> "less" most notably, *shouldn't* be 8-bit clean.
> Why? I would like to see German Umlaute.

Sure, but I would like to be able to do "less <binary file>" safely.
("more" is not safe for this).

Finally, the only thing I am trying to tell is that it is probaly not
very wise to put as a requirement for *every* package to be 8-bit
clean. (Note my point with the editor used for programming). I would 
suggest to use individual approach and have options for the user
to choose whenever possible.


Alex Y.

 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
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