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Re: Debian logo license still not resolved

On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, Ian Jackson wrote:

> Then if we want to change the licence we publish version 2 instead,
> leaving version 1 available but stating that it is no longer
> available.  Users of the logo have to go and check each year that the
These last two sentences are a little wacky.  You mean,  "leaving version
one someplace people can still read it,  but with a notice that it doesn't
apply to new licensees after a certain date"?

>  * Do we want a separate logo and licence for `powered by Debian' ?
Well,  it doesn't really make sense for a book to be "powered by Debian",
does it?  Maybe this should be available only for software/hardware

I suggest the following addition:

7.  Registration
	You are required to notify SPI (via email to logo@debian.org)
_before_ initiating use of the logo (before pressing the CD or printing
the book) of your intent to use the logo on your product. This
communication must include legal contact information for your business and
a simple description of the product (e.g. "Debian 2.0 Official CD set").

That way we can keep track of who's using it,  in case we need to retract
the licence at a later date.


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