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Re: Debian 2.0 release requirements

Attention all package maintainers:

Just a note that the testing group would like to have an idea of how to
test the individual packages (before we were only seeing if it would
install).  All we are asking for is a checklist (and a script if you
want), which in the most general sense says: "this program should do this,
that program should do that".  Please send them to my email, with the
subject "Checklist request" (so I can sort them out).  If you've missed
the previous messages about this, just drop me a line and I'll give you
the full details and an example.


Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu>   "We all know linux is great... it
PGP: finger -l bhmit1@cs.wm.edu          does infinite loops in 5 seconds"
Phone: (757) 221-4847                      --Linus Torvalds

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