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Re: Custom library for emacs 19.34 ?

Hannu Koivisto <Hannu.Koivisto@vvf.fi> wrote in reply to me:

    >  If it does no big damage, I'd like to suggest to include this in
    >  hamm somehow (either as separate package, or as addition to
    >  emacs).

    Sorry, but you don't get my vote with this plan. Unless you
    provide at least Gnus as a separate package, users can
    easily break emacs by installing a package (custom in this
    case) that conflicts with something (Gnus 5.3 in this case) in a
    way that dpkg can't see (because custom conflicts with Gnus 5.3,
    which is contained in emacs-19.34, which custom doesn't conflict
    with (according to your idea)).

Ok, I could make python-elisp 1.5 depend on  
xemacs19|xemacs20|emacs20|custom-el, make a second package  
python-oldelisp (no dependencies since it would work with all  
emacsen), and finally a third package custom-el which recommends a  
fourth package gnus (>=5.5).

That would make the users of 67% of Debian emacsens happy and provide  
the remaining with two options.

Isn't it a pity that there's no established way to package elisp for  
Debian in a way that supports all emacsens, as far as possible.


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