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Re[2]: cron jobs more often than daily

| On Tuesday, 6 January 98, at 2:28:26 AM
| Joey wrote about "cron jobs more often than daily"
> Steve Greenland wrote:
>> Disadvantages: Limited control by packages over granularity, offset, and
>> user. (I'm not convinced that this is a real showstopper: if the package
>> *really* requires that fine of control, it probably needs a custom user
>> anyway.)

> Another disadvantage is that this would lead to run-parts running evey
> 5 minutes and wasting some cpu time, even if there were no 5 minute 
> granularity cron jobs installed on the system.


Have a directory, /etc/debian.crontab/, that holds a file for every package that
wants to be run by cron.  Modify /etc/cron.tab(in the master version), to have a
line that runs /etc/init.d/debian.cron.  Have a script, update-debian-crontab,
that when called to add a new /etc/debian.crontab/package, updates
/etc/init.d/debian.cron to run the package that would next need to be.
Everytime that /etc/init.d/debian.cron is run, it checks to see when the next
package is to be run, and updates itself, and /etc/cron.tab.

Does anyone understand what I am trying to accomplish here?  Each time
/etc/init.d/debian.cron runs, it modifies /etc/cron.tab, changing the time that
it will next be run at.  This might be better handled with some type of alarm
program, that will exec another program at a specific time, instead of every so

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