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Re: cron jobs more often than daily

Steve Greenland <steveg@rpcweb.dmccorp.com> writes:

> I agree that there seems to be a need for general solution. There are
> two general approaches:

This might be completely off base, but what about a (hopefully small)
hack to cron for debian systems that makes it concatenate
/etc/cron.debian/* with /etc/crontab everytime it would have just
loaded /etc/crontab.  Then packages would just have to put crontab
snippets into /etc/crontab.debian/.  If stat-ing all these files is
too much work for cron every minute, then just have update-crontab
concatenate them into one file, say /etc/crontab.debian/cron.  Then
there are only two files to stat.

Something like

  if [ -x /usr/bin/update-crontab ] ; then update-crontab ; fi

would be used in each package's postinst to make sure things are OK if
cron's not installed.

An alternate idea, which I thought of first, but probably won't work,
was to create a user called debcron or something, then have files like
menu's /usr/lib/menu files which are used to build debcron's crontab.
The problem with that would be that I can't see any easy way to make
the tasks run as the appropriate user.

This latter approach is just another case of the more general
mechanism that Guy outlined eariler.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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