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Re: What warrants a non-maintainer release number?

On Tue, 6 Jan 1998, Christian Schwarz wrote:

> However, the `non-maintainer' part of this discussion is totally
> unimportant. What matters is the question `in which cases has the version
> number to be incremented and in which cases can it be left'?
> I think we all agree now that the version number has to be incremented
> whenever the binary package is changed on master (even in Incoming/).

There are more complex aspects to this. I was talking to Christoph today
and he mentioned that there were some cases with two different sources for
packages. A simple example is his debs.fuller.edu where a number of
experimental versions of packages are present. We also speculated that the
KDE people might have custom releases of the KDE debs on the KDE CD and so
on. We need to have some policy to prevent different .debs from having the
same version number that covers this.

For Deity at least is it VERY important that the version number of
packages be exactly associated with the .deb file, there must never be two
.debs with the same version that are not exactly the same. As soon as that
happens it is no longer possible to tell which of the .debs are installed.

Here is a possible example, for a time libc6 2.0.6 in main was was -0.1.
What is someone had put an early release on debs.fuller also using -0.1,
how is the person releasing into main to know that -0.1 is taken by the
debs.fuller ppl?

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