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cron jobs more often than daily

I'm working on a package of ipac, some scripts to set up
and summarise IP accounting info from the kernel. The author
suggests running part of it every 15 minutes. The advantage
to this is that there is less data lost in case of a system crash
(the author's point), and it also lets you get summaries
between a particular times, so obviously we get more resolution
if we run it more often.

However, policy indicates that you can only get your job
to run daily, weekly, or monthly, by putting entries in
/etc/cron.{daily,weekly,monthly}. Anything that runs more often
has a user assigned to it who gets the cronjob (eg smail
runs runq from mail's crontab, inewsinn installs crontabs for

However, there's no suitable user for this and it needs
to run as root anyway to reset the accounting stats.
Am I stuck with daily?

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
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