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Pre-processor "Manifest Constant"

Does the gcc preprocessor have any such constructs as "manifest
constant"s? The coherent C compiler used several such items to insert
date/time into the compiler output, among others. These seem to be either
pre-declared values, or function calls that actually interigate  the
system and leave output for the preprocessor to deal with.

I am pretty sure that the term "manifest constant" is not used in Linux,
but I'm not informed enought to know what other term might be used.

Any pointers to the docs would be greatfully accepted.

Waiting is,

_-_-_-_-_-_-   Author of "The Debian User's Guide"    _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  dwarf@polaris.net     Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

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