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Removing directories in postrm ?

A few of python's postinst scripts byte-compile the source files they  
install. The byte-compiled files are to be removed by the postrm scripts  
(a script removes all byte-compiled files where sources can't be found).  
Now if the python package had created a new directory, this directory is  
not empty until after postrm and won't be removed therefore.

Should I keep this procedure and perhaps try to remove the directory in  
postrm with something like "(rmdir /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-tk 2>/dev/null  
|| true)" ? The user still will get a warning about the non-empty  

Should I come up with a solution that tries to remove the byte-compiled  
files in the prerm ? (I had to keep track of the files that were created  
in postinst).

Or should I include the byte-compiled files in the packages ?


|                Gregor Hoffleit   Mathematisches Institut, Uni HD    |
| flight@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de   INF 288, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany |
|               (NeXTmail, MIME)   (49)6221 54-5771    fax  54-8312   |
|                  "We will make windows invisible"                   |

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