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Intent to package "Cheops"

Cheop can be found @ http://www.marko.net/cheops
Description from the web-page:
Cheops is a Network User Interface. It is designed to be the netwowrok equivalent of a swiss-army knife, unifying your network utilities. Cheops does for for the network what a file manager does for your filesystem. Cheops hopes to provide the system administrator and the user a powerful tool for locating, accessing, diagnosing, and managing network resources, all with the click of a button. 

                                     __   _
Erick Kinnee                |   -o) / /  (_)__  __ ____  __
Burleson, TX                |   /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
mailto:cerb@debian.org      |  _\_v____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer |      http://www.debian.org
"I picked up a Magic 8-Ball the other day and it said 'Outlook
not so good'.  I said 'Sure, but Microsoft still ships it.'"

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