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Re: CVS of isdnutils

On Tue 17 Nov 1998, Nuno Carvalho wrote:
>  Is there any directory with CVS on ftp.debian.org !?


isdnutils is currently based on the isdn4k-utils-2.1b1.tar.gz that
was released around July 1997, and has been patched heavily since
then.  As I don't usually have a meaningful net connection, having
isdnutils in CVS on master would have been useless to me.

I'm working on packaging up the upcoming isdn4k-utils 3.0 release.
This is getting a bit urgent as at least isdnctrl needs to be updated
for the 2.0.36 kernel. However, it's not a trivial package...

The development of the isdn4k-utils package can be tracked via CVS.
Anon CVS is available:

   1. Install GNU CVS (any version >= 1.6 will do)
   2. create a small shellscript .cvsrsh in your homedir:
       exec rsh -l guest $*
   3. Set CVS_RSH to this script (e.g.: export CVS_RSH=~/.cvsrsh)
   4. Set CVS_ROOT to oldhades.think.de:/i4ldev
      (e.g.: export CVS_ROOT=oldhades.think.de:/i4ldev)
   5. Execute "cvs -z9 checkout isdn4k-utils"
      This creates a "isdn4k-utils" subdirectory. After this, you
      can execute "cvs update" from within that directory to check
      for updates.

Paul Slootman
home: paul@wurtel.demon.nl | work: paul@murphy.nl | debian: paul@debian.org
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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