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Re: 1st unpacking, 2nd dependency checking

On Thu, Oct 08, 1998 at 01:52:43AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> But occasionally I notices that dpkg first unpacks and installs
> the files in a particular package and checks dependencies afterwards.

Sure does.

> This means that wrong dependencies are discovered when it is
> too late since the old version of the package is already
> overwritten.


> I'm sure there is a rationale for this, but what is it?

Don't know. Sorry. Maybe because the package it depends on is installed in
the same step and thus hasn't been configured yet at that very moment.

> At least I would have expected that dpkg tests the dependency
> of new packages and refuses to unpack them - unless one told
> it to ignore dependencies.

But isn't that what pre-depends is used for? Why doubling this behaviour?


Dr. Michael Meskes      | Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz | Go SF49ers!
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