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Re: An X version of dselect for slink

Tom Lees <tom@lpsg.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> Since it seems obvious that apt WON'T be finished (GUI bit I mean) before
> freeze of slink, I have started writing an X clone of the Dselect tool.

Why starting _ANOTHER_ project on this? (Oki, versatility is good, but... :)
Why not join the apt crew, and continue on that project instead? If I had
the time, I would (I have made that promise before, but... :)

> Although to be ready by 16th will make it pretty much a hack, I think it
> is one worthy for this release (in much the same way as the preselections
> were earlier).

'A hack' can usually make more troubles than it salves... 

> a) Does anyone else think this is a good idea?

Yes... It have been our long term gole to make the installation easier, this
might be one step in the right direction... _PROVIDED_ the software isn't 'a
quick hack', which will just make it more difficult...

> Point b probably needs more expansion. What I mean is, if J Random Luser
> installs the basic system using the boot disks, it would be nice to start
> X, then this tool ASAP (basically, instead of Dselect). What needs to be
> done in terms of bootdisks and installation stuff to support this?
> (Presumably at least a question in the install "do you want to use a GUI
> install program or a TUI install program?").

I installed Solaris 2.6 on a PC a couple of month ago, just to try it out, and
what really (_REALLY_ !!) impressed me, and made me giggle, was that when just
after it loaded the kernel, it started to probe for display devices, and then
started X, where the rest of the install took place... _VERY_ (!!) impressive.

> Dselect's functionality is fairly simple - I believe I can have it
> duplicated and fully tested (enough for my scrutiny) under X by freeze
> time, after which others can test it.

I'd still say you should improve on apt, instead of doing your own, then we
will have _ONE_ tool for this...

What we really need (we, and the whole Linux comunity) is a _GOOD_ X config
program... If we can make that bullet prof and simple, there is no reason
why we couldn't do a 'full X installation environment'...

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