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Re: comments on PGP *5*

On Sat, Sep 12, 1998 at 03:03:05PM +0200, Christian Hammers wrote:
> As the latest PGP Version 5 was released there where much discussion on it
> in several newsgroups. 
> But I can only remember that some people won't use it but not why.
> Are there any reasons for not using it ? 

In the US and abroad the Clinton administration has been trying to push key
escrow technology including but not limited to their proprietary Clipper
chip designs.

PGP v5 supports key escrow and it can be used without your knowledge or
consent with v5.x, though it can only be specifically enabled in 5.5+ I
believe.  The license is IIRC less free and the new version is totally
incompatible with the old as far as other programs' interaction with it.

GPG does not have this problem and is compatible with pgp5 but not with
pgp by default.  Support can be added, but it's a little buggy now and there
are still issues with the gpg keyrings among other buglets.

> I ask because 
> 1. I was asked to install it on work instead of pgp2x
> 2. I thought of installing it at home where I would also sign my debian
>    files with it. Is this allowed or does Debian stay at the old PGP ?

Debian stays with the old pgp for many reasons.  It's possible to use pgp5
but you still have to use rsa keys for now.

Attachment: pgpZnM65dER4W.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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