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About the GPL

Hi everybody,

    lately I had an email exchange with an editor from an italian
magazine that includes some Linux distributions on their montly CD.
Then I had a discussion on the #linux-it IRC channel. The problem
is as follows:

    It is aceptable to sell a CD with the binary part of a linux
distribution and simply point the users to the ftp site for the
sources? I think not, because the point 3b in the license says
you have to give the sources for a small fee and that's not the
case here in europe where the telephone calls cost a lot.
Also the user can have a CD but no a modem, and not distributing
the sources on the CD you simply deny her her right to access
the sources.

    Or I am wrong and it is perfectly acceptable?
* Federico DI Gregorio ** GCS/S/>L d- s:>:+ a26 C++ UL++ P+++ L*+++>$ D *
*   <fog@debian.org>   ** W+>++ N+ o? !K w--->!$ O M- V-- PS+(+++) PE(--) 
*   Debian Developer   ** Y+(-)(+)(-)... PGP+ s+ 5- X+++ R*<+(+++) b+++ *
*                      ** DI++ D---- G- e+++>++++ h--- r++ z++          *

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