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Bug#25816: xinetd use is problematic

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----Package: general
Version: hamm
Running a system with xinetd rather than inetd is problematic as
many packages do not handle xinetd.conf as well as inetd.conf in their

For example, the "sambaconfig" script from samba 1.9.18p8-2 doesn't
account for the possibility of xinetd.conf being used at all when
configuring (or trying to configure, as the case may be) samba to run
from the super daemon.

Also, the samba rc script, /etc/init.d/samba, doesn't account for
xinetd.conf usage either.  It employs lines such as...

  if grep -q '^netbios-ns' /etc/inetd.conf; then

which fail to ascertain the desired condition when xinetd.conf is being
used on the system rather than inetd.conf.

I would suggest that all package maintainers performing such tests use
logic which is more neutral about super daemon usage from now on.  For
example, the following replacement for the above...

  if grep -q '^[^#]*netbios-ns' /etc/{x,}inetd.conf; then

works with either super daemon in use on the system. :-)

Best Regards,


P.S. The reason I sent this as "Package: general" rather than "Package:
     samba" is because I have experienced very similar situations with
     many packages, however only now, while "fixing" these things for 
     samba, did I finally decided these problems were pervasive enough to
     mention.  And some of us actually do use xinetd, after all (pain
     though it often tends to be with the packages).

Kyle Amon                     email: amonk@raleigh.ibm.com
Unix Systems Administrator    phone: (203) 486-3290
Security Specialist           pager: 1-800-759-8888 PIN 1616512
IBM Global Services                  or 1616512@skytel.com
                              email: amonk@gnutec.com
                              url:   http://www.gnutec.com/kyle
KeyID 1024/26DD13D9
Key fingerprint = 7D 86 D1 AE 4B E9 91 6A  4B BC B5 B4 12 F0 D3 1A

"GNU does not eliminate all the world's problems, only some of them." 

                                - Richard Stallman
                                  The GNU Manifesto, 1985

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


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