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Re: Copyright from the lcs-projekt!? [dwarf@polaris.net: Re: First cut at testing and validation]

On Fri, Aug 14, 1998 at 01:03:46PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
> >>"Michael" == Michael Bramer <michael@weh.rwth-aachen.de> writes:
>  Michael> It is not acceptable, that a official announce debian-redhat
>  Michael> projekt produce non-free software!
> 	Sheer Hyprocrisy. It si OK to have the DFSG which is non-free
>  (no license to redistribute that I can see); it is OK to have most of
>  our software depend on a license that itself is non-free (taken a
>  look at the GPL lately?),  but it is not OK for the LCS? How do you
>  justify that? We follow the FSSTND, which is also non-free. Explain
>  that one.

no problem:
It is software. Not a text, not a document, not a lowr, not a standard.

It is nice, if we can change the contens of a standard and redistribute it
(with a new name).
But software from a debian maintainer in debian projekt must be DFSG free!

Michael Bramer - a Debian Certified Linux Developer        http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger grisu@master.debian.org   --   Linux Sysadmin   --  Use Debian Linux
"He who says disk space is free, thinks money grows on directory tree."

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