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Re: LCS Copyright et al'

On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Jarrod K Henry wrote:

> The product in question is a standard, NOT a program. If something is used to
> validate a standard, it is part of the STANDARD.
> In this case, DFSG covers SOFTWARE, not standards.

I disagree.

Software is software even if you try to make it part of a standard.

If the validation software has a bug, it is not a bug in the standard, it
is a bug in the software. Then you would have to choose: The standard or
the validating software. I would much prefer to be able to patch the 
validating software to match the standard than having to throw both
of them because of a clear inconsistency between them.

> So we've got to decide what to do with this
> standard.  Another example of this is the HTML validators.  If we changed one
> of those to recognize NETSCAPE and IE tags, it wouldn't be an HTML 4.0
> validator, will it?

Good example :-) If a HTML validator is a program, it may have bugs.
Everybody should be able to fix them, not just the copyright holder.

> Standard validators CANNOT be modified, because doing so could potentially
> change the standard.

Ok, just write "If you modify this, don't call it standard anymore"
in the license, but there is no need to make it non-free software.

 "6851f1691c4eb88aad8257d3898c5859" (a truly random sig)

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