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Re: [Fwd: Java standards for Debian]

>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Reavis <preavis@partnersoft.com> writes:
    Paul> Even the unshared code is best stuck in a .jar file IMHO
    Paul> (but doesn't need to be in the shared dirs, of course).

JARS would certainly make the process of upgrading easier.

    Paul> Perhaps we can deal with it for now with simple conventions
    Paul> - if we have the classpath-builder I outlined above
    Paul> understand that if a wrapper script asks for a jar library
    Paul> named "foobar-1.1" then it can use either
    Paul> /usr/lib/java/foobar-1.1.3.jar or
    Paul> /usr/lib/java/foobar-1.1.4.jar, but not
    Paul> /usr/local/lib/java/foobar-1.2.1.jar.

    Paul> Of course, this is some extra work for maintainers.

I actually like this idea a lot.  Rather like the current manipulation
of symlinks to dynamic libraries that's done in lib & /usr/lib.

If the product installs a /usr/share/java/package-1.1 -> package-1.1.x
symlink, we can do similar things to what dpkg-shlibs does.  It's a
bit more work at packaging time, but a *lot* easier on the user-base.

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