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Re: RH and GNOME

"Petra, Kevin J Poorman" <ewigin@SoftHome.net> writes:
> > dpkg should be made to call alien on a rh package automaticly
> > ... ie: dpkg -i some_package.rpm would trigger alein, and then
> > dpkg... so that it's automatic, and easy for newbies, and non-power
> > users, to install rh packages.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> wrote:
> All other issues aside, I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  I
> think this is an extremely poor idea.  Who's going to take
> responsiblilty for *big* flame festival as soon as some user tries
>   dpkg -i sysvinit*.rpm
> because they heard there was a security fix that they needed that was
> already available in the RedHat package?

Yes, this would not be an example of dpkg supporting the rpm format:
we'd need some way of dealing with regular dependencies, file 
conflicts, etc.  We might also refuse to install rpms which replace
essential packages (except with --force-essential-rpm).

That said: dpkg is a very significant package, and we'd need some
pretty hot talent to address all the design issues.  Right now, 
it's just too hard to understand and is not documented adequately...

Raul has failed to understand dpkg internals

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